Uniform and Equipment
For those interested in joining, or those interested in the uniform and equipment of the regiment, when thinking of these items, it helps to think of each one as you would get dressed into your full kit. You would start as follows:
For the Soldier:
Small clothes: Shirt, preferably linen. Breeches can be leather, wool or linen, waistcoat of wool all items to be white. Overalls can be worn in place of breeches but only if wearing shoes. Socks should be plain in color, preferably white, grey or brown...definitely no stripes. A neck-stock or neck cloth is to be worn.
Hunting Shirt: Heavy natural linen. Split front pattern only.
Footwear: Boots are to be worn with breeches if you are mounted. Shoes are to be worn with breeches or overalls if you are dismounted. Dismounted may also wear boots with breeches.
Headgear: Black leather dragoon helmet with white horse hair and a blue silk turban. Brass helmets are also available in limited supply and are for members in good standing with a fee attached. A good cocked hat may be worn while off duty. We are looking for a proper fatigue cap as well. A soldier must always have his head covered.
Regimental Coat: Blue coat with white facings of good quality wool and pewter buttons.
Accoutrements: Cartridge Box, Double Frogg, Carbine Sling, Bayonet Scabbard. Double Frogg and Carbine Sling are of white buff leather.
Sword with Scabbard: A dragoon sword typically 32-36" blade with fitted leather scabbard.
Musket: Mounted troopers use a carbine made by cutting down a Charleville musket. Dismounted Troopers should use a full length musket. Charleville is preferred but a Bess is acceptable.
NOTE: DO NOT buy anything without first consulting with the unit commander. I'd hate to see you waste your money as there are is a lot of thing sold that do NOT meet our standards.


Capt. Thomas Seymour, 2nd Dragoons